How to Get a Mortgage If You Are Self-Employed

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Are you a self-employed individual dreaming of owning your own home? While being your own boss has its perks, obtaining a mortgage can be a bit more challenging for self-employed individuals compared to those with a traditional employment history. However, fear not! In this article, we will guide you through the process of getting a mortgage if you are self-employed, providing you with valuable tips and insights to make your homeownership dreams a reality.

Understanding Self-Employment Mortgages

What are Self-Employment Mortgages?

Self-employment mortgages, also known as “non-conforming” or “alternative documentation” mortgages, cater specifically to individuals who work for themselves or own their own businesses. These mortgages take into account the unique financial circumstances of self-employed borrowers, making homeownership more accessible.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for a self-employment mortgage, lenders typically require a minimum of two years of self-employment history. This shows consistency in income and stability in your business. Additionally, lenders will assess your credit score, debt-to-income ratio, and down payment capability.

Documentation Requirements

When applying for a self-employment mortgage, you will need to provide specific documentation to support your income and financial stability. This may include tax returns, bank statements, profit and loss statements, and business incorporation documents. Being prepared with these documents ahead of time will streamline the application process.

Steps to Prepare for a Mortgage Application

To increase your chances of obtaining a mortgage as a self-employed individual, it’s essential to take proactive steps to strengthen your financial profile.

Organizing Financial Records

Maintaining accurate and up-to-date financial records is crucial for self-employed individuals. Ensure that your tax returns, bank statements, and other financial documents are well-organized and readily accessible. This will not only help you during the mortgage application process but also demonstrate your professionalism and financial responsibility.

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Building a Strong Credit History

A solid credit history is vital when applying for any mortgage. Make sure to pay your bills on time, minimize credit card utilization, and avoid opening new lines of credit before applying for a mortgage. Consider reviewing your credit report for any errors or discrepancies that may negatively impact your credit score.

Saving for a Down Payment

Saving for a down payment is an important aspect of the mortgage process. While the specific amount required may vary, having a sizable down payment can increase your chances of mortgage approval and potentially lower your interest rates. Set a savings goal and allocate a portion of your income towards saving for your dream home.

Reducing Debt-to-Income Ratio

Lenders assess your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio to determine your ability to manage additional mortgage payments. To improve your DTI ratio, consider paying off outstanding debts, reducing credit card balances, and avoiding new loans or major purchases. This will demonstrate to lenders that you have a strong financial standing and can comfortably handle a mortgage.

Finding the Right Lender for Self-Employed Mortgages

Choosing the right lender is crucial when applying for a self-employment mortgage. Take the time to research different lenders and compare their offerings. Look for lenders who specialize in self-employment mortgages and have a track record of working with self-employed individuals. Additionally, seek recommendations from professionals such as accountants or financial advisors who can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I get a mortgage if my income fluctuates?

Yes! Self-employed individuals often experience fluctuations in their income. Lenders understand this and will typically evaluate your income based on an average over the past two years. Providing consistent documentation of your income will help lenders assess your borrowing capacity accurately.

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How does self-employment history affect mortgage approval?

Having a solid, consistent self-employment history of at least two years demonstrates stability and increases your chances of mortgage approval. Lenders prefer borrowers who have a proven track record of successful self-employment.

What documents do I need to provide as a self-employed individual?

When applying for a self-employment mortgage, you will typically need to provide tax returns, bank statements, profit and loss statements, and business incorporation documents. These documents help lenders verify your income, assets, and business stability.

Can I use business funds for a down payment?

In most cases, yes! You can use business funds for a down payment, provided you can document the source of those funds and demonstrate that they are not a loan. Consult with your lender to ensure compliance with their specific guidelines.

How can I improve my chances of mortgage approval as a self-employed individual?

To improve your chances of mortgage approval, maintain a strong credit history, save for a substantial down payment, and reduce your debt-to-income ratio. Additionally, ensure your financial records are well-organized and readily available to streamline the application process.


Obtaining a mortgage as a self-employed individual may pose some unique challenges, but with proper preparation and guidance, it is entirely achievable. By understanding self-employment mortgages, organizing your financial records, and finding the right lender, you can take significant steps towards making your homeownership dreams a reality. Remember, being self-employed should not hinder your path to homeownership – it should empower you to take control of your financial future. So, take the leap, follow our tips, and embark on the exciting journey of becoming a homeowner!

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